Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The demise of the news release?

A posting Monday Steve Rubel of Micropersuaion deal with story in the "St. Petersburg Times" about Sunbelth Software. To summarize, Sunbelt discovered an identity theft ring, and gained international media attention because of its discovery. (Yes, it did notify the FBI.)

How did it make this announcement?

Through a news release via PRNewswire or BusinessWire?


Sunbelt Software posted a message on its company's blog.

While some companies like Microsoft and Google already have blogs and offer feeds for their company news and blogs, it's definitely not the norm.

At least, not yet.

But, in the future, more and more companies will distribute their news simply via corporate blog posts and/or via XML feeds. Not just technology companies, but all companies. In plastics, in building products, in automotive, utilities, institutional, etc., and other industries and markets.

Rather than pushing news to media, the media will be pulling ustomized news from the companies and industries on their beat. Today's newsrooms -- many which don't even exist in B2B companies -- will primarily consist of blogs.

It's just another example of the amazing personalization and interaction the Web offers.

-- Mike

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